Ekaterina Alyoshina
Candidate of history.
V.G.Belinsky Penza State Pedagogical University, Department of Foreign Languages, chair of English, associate professor; "Lingua" Educational Centre, professor of English.
Research interests: history, semiotics, pragmatics, cognitive linguistics.
Natalya Polishchuk
The Institute for Philology and History, The Russian State University for the Humanities, professor; coordinator of The Russian-American Research Centre (RSUH).
Research interests: Contemporary American literature and culture, culture studies, international education.
Svetlana Bodrunova
Saint-Petersburg State University, Department of Journalism, chair of International Journalism, senior professor.
Research interests: modern anglo-american theory of communication; modern history of journalism in Britain, America and Italy; mediacratic tendencies in advanced democracies; business journalism in Continental Europe; and also civil journalism and blogging journalism; studies of the modern history of the American and British literary journals.
Olga Frolova
Candidate of philosophy.
South Federal University (former Rostov-on-Don State University), Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, chair of Historical and Cultural studies, senior laboratory assistant; Rostov-on-Don Interregional Institute for Social Studies (South Federal University), junior Research Assistant.
Natalya Gavrilova
Candidate of philology.
Tomsk State University, Department of philology, chair of Romano Germanic philology, assistant.
Elena Golovko
Candidate of pedagogy.
Stavropol State University, Department of Romano Germanic languages, chair of Romance languages, associate professor, deputy dean of Informatization;member of the Association of Teachers of French.
Research interests: linguistics, infocommunicational technologies in foreign language learning.
Mikhail Kamensky
Stavropol State University, Department of Romano Germanic languages, chair of Intercultural Communication, assistant, post-graduate student.
Research interests: sociolinguistics, intercultural communication, discourse, discourse markers.
Ekaterina Kazankova
K.D.Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Department of Russian philology and culture;
International University of Business and New Technologies (Yaroslavl), chair of mass communication, manager; secretary of the post-graduate course department.
Irina Kucherova
Russian State University for the Humanities, The Educational and Research Centre of Social Anthropology.
Anna Kurumchina
The Ural State technical university, Department of the Humanitarian Education, chair of cultural studies and design.
Research interests: social philosophy, cross-cultural communication, culture and globalization.
Nadezhda Larionova
Candidate of sociology.
North State Medical University (Arkhangelsk), Institute of Information Technology, senior professor; Pomorsk State University, senior professor; Arkhangelsk State Technical University, associate professor.
Ekaterina Lobanova
M. Phil. in Linguistics
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Institut for sprak og kommunikatjonsstudier, assistent; Freelance translator.
Research interests: Cognitive Linguistics, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Translation studies.
Angela Maltseva
Doctor of Philology
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Department of philosophy and cultural studies, professor.
Research interests: philosophy and cultural anthropology.
Elena Nikolaenko
Candidate of philology.
Bryansk State University, Department of foreign languages, chair of English philology, associate professor.
Research interests: theory and practice of translation, functional grammar, TEFL.
Elena Petrova
Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Department of foreign languages, chair of linguistics and cross-cultural communication, assistant; chair of Romano-Germanic philology, post-graduate student.
Dmitry Kharitonov
Moscow State University
School of Philology, post-graduate student.
Kseniya Robbe
Saint-Petersburg State University, The Faculty of Oriental Studies, the Department of African Studies, post-graduate student.
Ekaterina Sadovskaya
Tolyatti State University, chair of translation theory and practice, senior professor; Tatishchev University of Volga, post-graduate student; Institute of Continuing Professional Education, senior professor;
Mariya Shteynman
Candidate of philology.
The Russian State University for the Humanities, Department of History, political science and law, chair of social and political theories.
Research interests: modern literature, sociocultural and cross-cultural communication, mass culture, communicative strategies in advertising.
Anastasiya Smolina
Candidate of philosophy.
Volgograd institute of business, chair of the humanities and social sciencies, associate professor; assistant of Research Centre;
International "Institute of management" (Arkhangelsk, )Volgograd branch, chair of natural sciences and the humanities, associate professor.
Nikolay Sokolskykh
Zabaykalsk State Pedagogical University for the Humanities, Department of Filology, chair of literature, assistant, post-graduate student.
Research interests: Mexican-American literature.
Evgeniya Tanaseichuk
Pomorsk State University, Arkhangelsk, Department of foreigh languages, chair of the English language and philology, professor;
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Department of foreign languages and regional studies, post-graduate student.
Research interests: ethnolinguistics.
Marina Vlasova
Candidate of philology.
Tomsk Polytechnic State University, chair of English, senior professor;
Research interests: the problem of pedagogic communication in literary texts.
Irina Zykova
Tomsk Polytechnic State University, Department of the Hunanities, chair of cultural studies and social communication.
Research interests: social philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogics.
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